
How to record voice messages using professional voiceover techniques

When we talk on the cell phone, we usually put the device against our face as if it were a conventional phone.

But when recording a voice message, on WhatsApp for example, we end up holding the device in another position, further away from the mouth.

It is at this moment that we can use the techniques of professional announcers to communicate in a more impactful way. Check out these tips!


The first step is to look for a favorable environment for recording. Professional studios invest money in insulation, acoustic treatment and equipment. To make your voice message clearer and easier to understand, you should look for a quiet environment with little room reverberation.

If there are other people talking nearby, turn your back or move a little further away from the group before pressing REC. Avoid recording near noise sources such as open windows, turned on TVs and radios, etc.


The rule of thumb for professional broadcasters is to treat the microphone as if it were the listener's ear. Therefore, when you record a message on your cell phone, try not to project your voice too much.

You must use an intimate tone. This way, you will give the impression that you are talking to the person and not just reporting information. By lowering your voice volume, you establish an emotional connection with the listener and your message will have more impact.


Also be careful with the distance between your cell phone and your mouth. In professional studios the announcer usually moves only 15 or 20 centimeters away from the microphone. An easy way to calculate the ideal distance for a voice recording is to do that surfer “hang loose” hand gesture – placing the tip of your thumb against your lips and the tip of your little finger against your phone's microphone.

Another important consideration: don't let the “puffs” spoil the recording. When we talk with the cell phone glued to the face, the air coming out of the mouth passes under the device, without hitting the microphone. But when holding the phone in front of us, the air coming out of the mouth can hit the microphone, causing “puffs”. Professional broadcasters use a pop-filter (anti-puff filter) to solve this problem. The easiest way to avoid puffs when recording voice messages on your cell phone is to hold the device below the line of your mouth and speak over it.


Lastly, strive to write short, snappy messages. The professional announcer is used to recording texts in just 15 or 30 seconds for TV and radio. A text to the internet can be as little as 5 seconds! Nowadays, the tendency is to pass the message in the shortest possible time. Therefore, the shorter and more direct the voice message you record, the more chance you have of holding your listener's attention.

The goal of the professional announcer is to record messages that are clear and easy to understand, that establish an emotional connection with the listener and that are short and impactful.

Well-recorded and well-communicated messages generate interest. They cause the listener to take action and take action. Using the techniques of professional voiceovers, you will be able to communicate better with the contact list on your cell phone.


Jason Bermingham

Advertising announcer and columnist for vehicles specialized in advertising and audio production, such as the newspaper Meio & Mensagem and Sound on Sound magazine. Speaker at South by Southwest (SXSW) and VO Atlanta conferences in the United States and Rio2C, HackTown and FIC, among others, in Brazil.


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