Cesar Rosa

Work as: Announcer, Presenter / Master of Ceremonies, Broadcaster / Podcaster
Language: Portuguese
Accent: Neutral

My name is Cesar Rosa.

My first job was as a radio announcer. I started working very early on the radio in the interior of São Paulo. By listening to major broadcasters, I learned from the great masters. Years later, I had the opportunity to work with several of them when I arrived in São Paulo in 1979.

I'm like a patchwork quilt.

Colorful little pieces from each place, each person, who passed through life, added a part and they made me who I am today.

I'm a little bit like Bandeirantes, Globo, Jovem Pan, City, Alpha, Club, SBT, Longing, Pearl

Each one added a little to my voiceover: Journalist, presenter, narrator, master of ceremonies, teacher and writer.

I studied Advertising and Propaganda (UNAERP), Law (UNIARA)

I wrote a book: Attention Silence in the Air  which became a podcast  (you can listen on Spotify and other players)

One of the few good memories of the pandemic was winning the Apca award for best podcast of the year 2021.

It always moves me to hear my voice associated with a big brand:

Sony – HBO – Pag Bank – Sabesp – Poupa Tempo – Crystal – Band – Globo – Jovem Pan – Nativa- Band – Dell – Alpha – Amiral

Over time I learned to do voiceovers in different styles, conversational, friendly, romantic, loud, adult/senior, which I am very proud of.

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