Leonardo Müller

Work as: Announcer, Voice Actor, Presenter / Master of Ceremonies, Broadcaster / Podcaster
Language: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Accent: Neutral, Paulistano

Leonardo Muller has a degree in journalism. The son of a radio broadcaster, he started working in radio at the age of 12. His portfolio includes brands such as: Porsche, McDonald's, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Harley Davidson, BYD, Philips, Kia, the Federal Government, Honda Motos, Brasil Paralelo, the Government of the State of São Paulo, Banco BMG, Hospital Albert Einstein, Zeiss, Amil, Blowtex, Paramount Pictures, Febraban, among others. He is currently the standard voice for the ID and TLC channels of the Discovery group. He also lends his voice to various types of voiceover work for radio and television stations throughout the country. For 10 years he worked for several stations, always as a sound technician. During this time he discovered his calling for voiceover work. In 2005 he was hired by Rádio Jovem Pan, where he remained until 2018. He was a voiceover for Jornal da Manhã and Jovem Pan News. In 2006 he became the standard voice for Rede Jovem Pan FM. He has his own high-quality studio.

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