Sergio Cavazzoni

Work as: Announcer, Radio Host / Podcaster, Actor / Actress
Language: Portuguese
Accent: Neutral, Bahian, Carioca, From the Countryside, Paulistano, Pernambuco

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am announcer since 1994 and associated with Clube da Voz since 2013.
I recorded and already recorded voiceovers for different brands and products. I did yet narrations for several documentaries.

vocal characteristics
Voice Age – Young Adult (25-35) and Adult (35-54)
Voice Skills – Animation, Voice Assistant, Documentaries, Games, Internet, Podcast and Advertising for Social Media, Radio and Television.

Response time – 24 hours
Directed Sessions – SourceConnect, FaceTime, Skype, Zoom and I can also record at the production company.
Microphone – Neumann TLM49
Computer and software – iMac and Sound Studio
Special Equipment – Apollo Twin MKII

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