Tag: locutor

In the beginning was the verb. And with the verb, the voice.

Still in the mother's womb, what echoes in the womb is her voice. Father's voice. From the shapeless sound of their voices, babies are born knowing what surrounds them. Affection or conflict. The voice was

The voice

When trying to give “voice” to my task of writing about VOICE, I immediately tried to go into the field and research what defines this powerful three-letter word. Origin ⊙ ETIM lat. vox,vōcis 'sound of voice, voice' A

Who has mouth goes to Rome. Whoever has a voice goes anywhere.

And didn't I suddenly have no voice? Serious. When we stop to think, talking about the voice is something so complex that we don't even know where to start. It's just that few things are so important

the voice of the heart

You and I, we mammals, have the limbic system: a part of our brain responsible for emotions and social behaviors. It is the “dumb” and uncontrollable part of this organ that lives in our skull. We also have a brain region that developed