
the voice of the heart

You and I, we mammals, have the limbic system: a part of our brain responsible for emotions and social behavior. It is the “dumb” and uncontrollable part of that organ that inhabits our skull. We also have a brain region that has developed more recently, the result of our evolution as a species, which is why it is called the neocortex – our intellectual brain, responsible for rational and analytical thoughts.

According to my dear friend Dr. Pedro Henrique Penna Chaves – an incredible guy, a specialist in behavior and an expert in the world of psychiatry – there is only one brain. We can break it down into analyses, but all parts are connected and interdependent. If you are curious to understand this fascinating organ in a scientific and broad way, good luck. Extensive, complex subject. We're complex and that's the kick.

My first healthy discomforts and reflections on the limbic theme or neocortex began with the famous TED by the writer Simon Sinek. In his most famous book, “Start With Why – How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action”, Sinek states that “people don't buy what we do , they buy because we do”. The “why” speaks to our limbic system, triggers our emotions and behaviors, our actions. I take this statement a step further: people don't buy because we tell them to, but because they believe what we're talking about.

What makes one voice go in one ear and out the other, while another goes in and never comes out? In my opinion, it is the truth. Truly, deeply, spiritually, viscerally believing in what we are saying or what we have to say. I strongly believe, even without knowing the scientific basis for this belief, that true emotion affects the receiver of the message. If at some point you don't believe what you're saying, on the other side, in an inexplicable way, they will understand and feel it. Sounds simple? Far from it. If so, the lie detector would be more useful than smartphones.

When you speak, sing, recite, whisper or shout from the truth from the heart, you will be heard. When your heart isn't ready to speak or if you haven't triggered it, probably what you have to say no one will listen – even listening.

Virtuous and trained voices, with mastery over intonation, pauses and emphasis, are valuable resources to communicate a message in an assertive way.

The contained or explicit emotion of what we say, the serious, acute, high or low tone, prolonged or dry, brief or long, smooth and delicate intonation will make even more difference if the power delivered by the heart is full. Damn, what a trip! Yeah, we're complex.


Alexandre Bassora

Founding partner and Creative Director of Audaz.


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